AdBiblio Case Study: The Secrets of the Sky series from Scholastic

Middle grade fantasy books are one of our specialties, and we love helping young readers find their next magical adventure. Acclaimed author Sayantani DasGupta is known for her children’s books that blend folklore with adventure, and we were thrilled to help Scholastic connect with parents and teachers for her series, Secrets of the Sky.  

The Secrets of the Sky series follows twins Kiya and Kinjal as they journey through a mystical world filled with magical creatures and ancient secrets. Blending fantasy and folklore, this series offers an exciting action-packed story that’s perfect for any middle school library. The third book, The Ghost Forest, was just released this past April, and Kirkus Reviews calls it “a spooky, fantastical, and inspiring addition to the series.”

The AdBiblio campaign featured banner ads, and focused on reaching parents of children ages 8-12, middle grade teachers, and librarians. Additional traits and behaviors included fantasy and folklore enthusiasts, parenting influencers and followers, middle grade gift shoppers, children’s TV and movie viewers, and more! Comps included similar authors like Rick Riordan, Shannon Messenger, Christopher Paolini, Eliza Raine, Tui T. Sutherland, Madeleine L’Engle, and Tracey West. Keywords included terms and phrases like children’s books, middle grade books, middle grade bestsellers, books for middle schoolers, fantasy series for kids, and more! 

Not surprisingly, the ads resonated strongly with our AdBiblio read alike audience (0.27% CTR!), middle grade book readers & buyers reading sites like Parents, Scary Mommy and The Mary Sue (0.18% CTR), and children’s book buyers interested in sci-fi and fantasy books (.17% CTR). The campaign wrapped up at a .17% CTR (click through rate) and 1.27% IAR (Interaction rate), and ran on top sites including Reading Middle Grade, Gizmodo, Parents, CBR, We Are Teachers, K12 Readers, IGN, NY Times, Scary Mommy, and more!

If you’ve got a young fantasy reader in your life, be sure to check out the Secrets of the Sky series. The first book in the series is The Chaos Monster, and you can pick up your copy here! And if you’re ready for your next campaign, you know where to find me — 

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