From feminist hikers to STEM educators, our expertise is reaching niche audience — and we love a good challenge! That’s why our team was excited to help promote Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell, a new release from Timber Press.

From feminist hikers to STEM educators, our expertise is reaching niche audience — and we love a good challenge! That’s why our team was excited to help promote Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell, a new release from Timber Press.
Let me shout it louder for the people in the back…TRAILS NOT SCALES! Connecting with nature is something everyone should be able to do, no matter their size or ability. In Fat Girls Hiking: An Inclusive Guide to Getting Outdoors at Any Size or Ability, author Summer Michaud-Skog creates a safe space for people of all body types to find joy in the outdoors. We were thrilled to promote such an empowering and inclusive book!
If you look glance through the reviews for Girlhood by Melissa Febos, you’ll see praise after praise – and for good reason. Febos’s deep dive into the female experience is a true gift for all readers, and might even be considered required reading by some! We loved helping Bloomsbury spread the word about this powerful essay collection.
Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson once said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” In 42 Today: Jackie Robinson and His Legacy, we get an in depth look at the important life of Robinson himself, both on and off the field. We were thrilled to help NYU Press spread the word about this essay compilation exploring the legendary baseball icon!
One of my favorite cities is New York City. Typically I’m there visiting with you lovely folks all throughout the year, but it’s been way too long since I’ve been back. I miss it so much! Luckily, we have books to transport us to our favorite places during this pandemic. Kevin Dann’s Enchanted New York: A Journey along Broadway through Manhattan’s Magical Past is the perfect escape. We were thrilled to help NYU Press with this mystical read!
Welcome to part two! I recently shared how we helped Algonquin Books find ideal readers for their featured fiction campaign. Now, it’s time to change gears and talk nonfiction! In addition to the summer fiction, we also helped Algonquin Books reach niche readers for three of their unforgettable memoirs. Each of these stories will make you simultaneously laugh, cry and think deeply.
Summer is nearly here and I can’t wait to be near water again. I love everything about it – swimming laps, jumping into the ocean, kayaking down rivers – you name it! (except lakes. there’s just something about swimming in lakes that creeps me out!). Author Bonnie Tsui points out that humans, unlike other animals that are drawn to water, are not natural-born swimmers. We must be taught. Why? And why do we love it so much? Her new book, Why We Swim, takes a deep dive into this and so much more. We were thrilled to help Algonquin Books promote this unforgettable “love letter to water.”
I like to think of myself as a pretty avid reader, but even I’m impressed with the sheer number of books I’ve finished over the last six weeks. I think I’ve set a new record. With the majority of people staying and working from home, so many like myself are turning to books for escape, to pass the time, and to help their kids continue to learn. And though the world is on lockdown, we love that publishers like Bloomsbury are still committed to doing all they can to inspire reading for all ages. We were thrilled to help them reach avid readers and book buyers for their stay at home sale!
In the previous blog post, we shared how we helped DK reach ballet & dance enthusiasts for the gorgeous book Ballet! This week, we move away from the stage and deep into the world of plants. Using our niche targeting and unique reach, we were able to help DK reach botany enthusiasts, gardeners, and more for the spectacular book Flora.
There are some books where you are so fascinated by every single page that you never end up flipping to the next. Ballet and Flora, two visual guides from DK, are exactly that. They came to us over the holiday season for help in promoting these beautiful books! Today we’re going to share exactly how we reached readers for Ballet, and stay tuned for all the details on the Flora campaign next week!