From feminist hikers to STEM educators, our expertise is reaching niche audience — and we love a good challenge! That’s why our team was excited to help promote Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell, a new release from Timber Press.

From feminist hikers to STEM educators, our expertise is reaching niche audience — and we love a good challenge! That’s why our team was excited to help promote Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell, a new release from Timber Press.
Halloween is quickly approaching, and it ranks high among our favorite seasons! If you’re planning to promote books featuring Halloween or Horror themes this October, here are three AdBiblio targeting strategies to connect with your ideal readers!
Pride Month is always an exciting time of year here at AdBiblio, as we love sharing new and exciting queer lit with readers. We were thrilled to help Abrams Books connect with the community of YA, romance, and LGBT readers for the release of Grand Slam Romance, from the talented duo Ollie Hicks and Emma Oosterhous.
STEM can be tough, so we loved helping Candlewick Press connect with parents, middle-grade teachers, and more to promote Talia’s Codebook for Mathletes, the delightful new STEM-focused graphic novel by Marissa Moss!
Hispanic Heritage Month is fast approaching! Every September, AdBiblio honors the remarkable contributions of Latinos and Hispanics to global literature! For publishers launching books with Hispanic themes in September, here are three effective AdBiblio targeting techniques to reach the right readers.
Got last minute budget for books during Pride Month? AdBiblio offers three powerful strategies for ad targeting: Foot Traffic, demographics and traits, and relevant content—to ensure your book reaches LGBTQ+ readers!
There’s something so special about reading a debut novel and discovering an author’s unique voice for the first time. And sometimes, you’re so blown away by the initial read that you realize you can’t wait to see what else the author has in store! Such is the case with author Jamila Minnicks and her new novel, Moonrise over New Jessup. We were thrilled to help Algonquin Books reach literary enthusiasts everywhere to promote this powerhouse of a debut!
According to recent statistics, about 55% of U.S. households participate in some form of gardening, which translates to roughly 71.5 million gardening households, or 185.9 million people nationwide. Wow! Since the pandemic, gardening as a hobby has experienced a real growth spurt, especially amongst younger generations.
Here at AdBiblio, we can reach a massive group of green-thumbed page turners. If you have a gardening book to promote – whether fiction or nonfiction – here’s how we can help you dig into the most qualified readers:
Oh, middle school. What an incredibly awkward time. Especially if you happen to be a….lizard boy! We loved helping Candlewick spread the word about Tales of a Seventh Grade Lizard Boy — the hilarious and heartfelt tween graphic novel from Jonathan Hill.
Using 4 key tactics (demographics, read-alikes, content, and keywords), AdBiblio targeting can help you reach readers who are interested in Black History content. Here’s how: